Friday, July 11, 2008

Good things for 7/11/08

Jack, thank you for a good day. You listened to me and didn't have any meltdowns. You even napped great. Thanks.

Mari, you almost rolled to the right today. Maybe you'll get it tomorrow. We'll keep working on it.

It was another good day. I was able to get the house cleaned and two different quick breads made for tomorrow. I even got a nap in! I love the good days.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Good things for 7/10/08

Jack, when we were on our way out the door today, you got the dogs' bowls, put them on top of Daisy's cage and then opened the container of food. And then you looked at me like, "Woman, put some food in these bowls so that I can dump it out!!" You've done this ritual with your daddy so many times that you think every time we go down to get in the car, we need to feed the dogs. Daisy would love that. And when we went to my office, you were so good. You gave everyone "fives" and gave them big smiles. I'm sure you brightened their day. You did mine.

Mari, I watched you charm all my coworkers today. You bring so much joy to everyone. Your smile and giggle melts my heart every time.

Today I got all three of us out of the house without a meltdown. We even went around my office and then had lunch with Joni and we still didn't have a meltdown! I'm always so nervous spending time with my kids alone. But, we had a good day. Good days like this make me believe that I can stay at home with them. I can do it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Good things for 7/9/08

Jack, you were digging around in the dishtowel drawer today and pulled one out. That's normal. What was so cute was that you wrapped it around your shoulders and clutched it at your throat like a cape or a shawl. You kept saying something that sounded like your normal "Let's go" but it almost sounded like "It's cold." You walked around the house repeating it as you wore your towel. I wish I got a picture of it.

Mari, you weigh 14 pounds and 6 ounces!! You gained 9 ounces in two weeks. You're so brilliant!! You also sat up, on your own, for about a minute five different times!! You're getting so big and changing and growing all the time. I can hardly keep up. I keep seeing you as my fragile little girl when really you're not. You may be petite, but you're a strong little girl, both in spirit and body.

Heather told me tonight that after group that someone came to her after group two weeks ago and was screened for postpartum depression. The woman said it was because of me and how I talk about my struggles. If my battle and my openness about it can help one person, then it's worth it. I can't stop it from happening, but if I can encourage another woman to get help, then I have some purpose. This beast has some purpose.

Good things for 7/8/08

Jack, you did the cutest thing this morning. When we got to Michelle's, you tried the doorknob, and when you couldn't turn it, you knocked. I'm not sure where you learned to knock on doors, but you're doing it all the time now.

Mari, you learned how to make your little Sesame Street crib toy work this morning. You've done it accidentally before, but this morning you knew exactly what you wanted. You like Ernie the best.

I bought new bras today. I feel so much better now that I'm not sagging all over the place. Amazing how two back to back pregnancies can make the perkiest of boobs into a saggy mess. The air certainly has been let out of the fun bags. But, I can look at my saggy breasts and know that they provided nourishment for my children. They have served their purpose. I love my boobs for that.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

First post

Howdy all! Here is my first post to the Tuttle Madness blog! I hope to use this as a way to keep everyone updated and put the best of Jack's (and soon Marianne's!!) pictures up. goes!